About aiMH Lab

We are a research group based in the UCL Division of Psychiatry. We use data science and digital methods to improve outcomes for people with mental health problems
The aiMH Lab is led by Joseph Hayes, Professor of Psychiatry in the Epidemiology and Applied Clinical Research Department and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at Camden and Islington NHS Foundation trust

aiMH Lab Projects


Personalised medicine aims to assign a patient the optimal treatment, based on their predicted response; thereby moving from average group outcomes towards the prediction of outcomes for individual patients


People with mental illness are known to be at increased risk of a range of physical health conditions, at a younger age, and suffer worse outcomes related to these conditions


Drug-repurposing, which finds new indications for existing drugs, has recently emerged as a viable, efficient, low-risk and cost-effective method of improving treatment

Ecological momentary assessment

Ecological momentary assessment involves repeated sampling of patients' current behaviours and experiences in real time, in the patients' natural environments


juli is a digital platform that supports people with chronic health conditions like asthma, migraine, depression, bipolar disorder, hypertension or chronic pain through a number of evidence based approaches


Prof Joseph F Hayes

MB ChB, MRCPsych, MSc, PhD

Division of Psychiatry


6th Floor Maple House, 149 Tottenham Court Road, London


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